30.4 Impersonation Flow

Before initiating the work flow, ensure that Impersonation is enabled. See Enabling Impersonation.

Perform the following tasks to complete an Impersonated session:

Impersonator Tasks:

  1. Log in to Access Manager user portal as an impersonator.

  2. Click <user name> at the top right of the page and then click Start Help Desk Session.

  3. Specify the user name and ask for permission.

NOTE:Only an impersonator can terminate an active impersonated session.

Impersonatee Tasks:

  1. Log in to Access Manager user portal as an impersonatee.

  2. Click <user name> at the top right of the page and then click Help Desk Session.

  3. Approve or Deny the request from impersonator. The impersonator receives the request.

Upon receiving an approval from the impersonatee, the impersonated session is initiated.