Issue: After upgrading to Access Manager 5.0, the OAuth client applications that use angular-oauth2-oidc third party OAuth library can return the following error message:
error validating end_session_endpoint in discovery document (1) […] 0: "Every url in discovery document has to start with the issuer url. Also see property strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation." length: 1 <prototype>: Array [] angular-oauth2-oidc.js:544
This issue occurs when the client application uses the angular-oauth2-oidc third party OAuth library. The third party OAuth library fails because the end_session_endpoint parameter in OIDC metadata does not match with the issuer field. The OIDC specification does not mandate that the OIDC endpoints must start with the issuer URL.
Workaround: Turn off the validation check of the angular-oauth2-oidc library:
Open the configuration file of the angular-oauth2-oidc library.
Add strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation = false.
Save and close the file.
For more information, see angular-oauth2-oidc issue.