Appendix E: SOA Express IMS Support

This chapter describes advanced configuration for the SOA Express IMS support.


Using SOA Express's IMS support you can easily create distributed transactions that will drive your existing z/OS IMS transaction programs and return the transaction output data to the workstation where additional processing and/or presentation formatting can be done. Mainframe Access Server provides the execution platform for the z/OS component of the distributed transaction. The IMS eBiz programs created by SOA Express are compiled and linked on z/OS, creating an eBiz program library. Simple customizations of Mainframe Access Server activate the MQ Series listener that will receive your client request, load and execute the IMS eBiz module selected by your client request, communicate with your target IMS system using the IMS Open Transaction Manager Access (OTMA) feature, and return the transaction output back to the MQ client.

This appendix presents a step-by-step approach to completing the Mainframe Access customizations for SOA Express IMS support. Chapter 2, Configuration, describes the same customizations and provides additional technical detail for all of the steps. Use this appendix to work through the customizations, and refer Chapter 2 for more detailed information about each step.

Note: Be sure to complete the configuration of your Mainframe Access Server before you start the configuration activities for SOA Express IMS support. (See the Quick Configuration section in the Configuration chapter for information.) The customizations described in this chapter assume that you have completed all of the Quick Configuration steps that establish your parameter file, server definitions, JCL procedures, etc. Completing the installation verification testing ensures that you have a running configuration.

Activating the SOA Express IMS Feature

Your PARMS member in <hlq>.CNTL contains the CGMQOTMA FEATURE parameter setting. This parameter is set to NO in the sample member. Change the setting to YES. This activates the SOA Express IMS support the next time Mainframe Access Server is started.

* Services to be activated                                           *
TCP LINK FEATURE=YES           --- MFE SQL Option, Telnet client
MFADIRECT=YES                  --- Mainframe Access services
MFA FEATURE=YES                --- Mainframe Access Data Connect Server
PEM FEATURE=YES                --- MFE Password Expiration Manager
MCO FEATURE=NO                 --- MFE CICS Option
CGMQOTMA FEATURE=YES           --- SOA Express IMS support
LIST DB2=NO                    --- DB2 and IMS subsystem finder

Updating the JCL Procedure for SOA Express eBiz Address Spaces

The MFAAS member in your <hlq>.CNTL data set has been updated by Quick Configuration with your installation data set names, etc. and and copied into a system JCL procedure library. This JCL is used by the Mainframe Access Server control region to start Mainframe Access Application Server address spaces for SOA Express eBiz processing. Your eBiz program modules will be loaded and executed in a MFAAS Application Server address space so you must update the JCL to include a DD statement for your eBiz program library data set. The MFAAS JCL has a symbolic parameter and a pre-defined DD statement that can be customized to define your program library. JCL comments in the MFAAS member describe the necessary customizations. The relevant portions of the JCL are reproduced below.

The pre-defined JCL provides for a single eBiz program library. If you need to use more than one program library you can create a data set concatenation. You must still use the EBIZLIB DDname for the concatenation of eBiz program libraries.

//*            EAUTHLIB='CAI.NDVR40.AUTHLIB',
//*            ECONLIB='CAI.NDVR40.CONLIB',
//             TCPDATA='TCPIP.OS390.TCPDATA'
//* Site-dependent eBiz program library

Note: If you are going to use Mainframe Access Application Servers for other applications, such as Endevor request processing, it is possible to use the same MFAAS definition for all of the application servers. It is also possible to create uniquely named Application Server JCL procedures for each application. If you do wish to use uniquely named procedures, it is important for you to understand the relationship between the JCL procedure in the system procedure library and the Application Server address space definitions in your SERVERS member.

Defining the SOA Express eBiz Address Spaces

The SERVERS member in your <hlq>.CNTL data set contains definitions for Application Server address spaces used with Data Connect processing, Endevor processing and SOA Express eBiz processing. The portion of the SERVERS definition relevant to SOA Express eBiz processing is reproduced below.

If you have followed Quick Configuration using the supplied JCL procedure names and started task security customizations, this application server definition is ready to use. If you have used a different name for the JCL procedure you need to update the ASPROC parameter with the new procedure name. When Mainframe Access Server starts an address space using this definition, the started task name will be MFACnnnn, where the nnnn value is a sequential counter of address spaces that have been started using generated started task names. If you change the prefix for the generated started task name, the ASJOB value, make sure that the necessary started task security definitions are in place for the generated names. The documented Quick Configuration procedure establishes the proper security definitions for all started tasks with names beginning with "MFA".

The Application Server Parameters for SOA Express IMS Support section in the Configuration chapter provides a detailed description of all of the parameters and describes additional customizations that can be done as your usage increases.

* Mainframe Access Application Server(s) for CG processing

Defining the MQ Series Message Queues

The SERVERS member also contains definitions for the MQ Series message queues that Mainframe Access Server will monitor for client requests. A message queue definition is needed for each queue that will be monitored. A sample queue definition from the SERVERS member is reproduced below.

You can replace the QMG1 queue manager name and the MESSAGE.QUEUE.NUMBER1 queue name with the real values from your z/OS MQ Series installation. The ASGROUP parameter refers back to the Application Server address space definition to be used for processing when requests arrive on this message queue.

The Message Queue Definition for SOA Express IMS Support section in the Configuration chapter provides a detailed description of all of the parameters and describes additional customizations that can be done as your usage increases.


Deploying eBiz Modules to your z/OS Program Library

When all of the preceding customizations are complete and Mainframe Access Server is restarted, your Mainframe Access Server is ready to accept eBiz requests. You will need to upload the generated eBiz programs to a source library on your z/OS system where you can compile and link the programs to create eBiz program load modules. These modules need to be linked, or subsequently copied, into the eBiz program library that you have defined in your Application Server started task JCL procedure.

When your eBiz load modules are properly linked and placed in the eBiz program library, your Mainframe Access Server is ready to run your requests.

Note: Before you begin your testing be sure to complete any other system setup activities described in the SOA Express Configuration Guide. For example, the OTMA feature of the target IMS system(s) must be enabled and the MQ Series resources such as channels, transmit queues, remote reply queues, etc. must be defined and activated.

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