Issue 2
June 1999
Copyright © 1999 MERANT International Limited. All rights
This document and the proprietary marks and names
used herein are protected by international law.
MERANT International has made every effort to ensure that this guide is correct and accurate but reserves the right to make changes without notice at its sole discretion at any time.
The software described in this document is supplied under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license, and in particular any warranty of fitness of MERANT International software products for any particular purpose is expressly excluded and in no event will MERANT International be liable for any consequential losses.
Micro Focus® and Animator® are registered trademarks, and MERANT, Assembler Option, CICS Option, Fileshare, IMS Option, Mainframe Express, VS COBOL and Workbench are trademarks, of MERANT International Limited
IBM®, IMS/ESA® and VTAM® are registered trademarks, and CICS, Data Propagator, RACF, SAA, MVS and VM are trademarks, of International Business Machines Corporation
IMSVS86 is a trademark of Stingray Software Company, Inc
Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks, and NT and Win32 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
Novell® is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc
UNIX® is a registered trademark of X/Open Company Limited
Copyright© 1987-1999 MERANT International Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
The Technical Guide provides background technical information for the IMS Option and the Remote IMS products. The basic features and functions of the IMS Option are described in the Mainframe Express User's Guide, and the online help that is part of Mainframe Express.
The Micro Focus IMS Option product and its accompanying documentation are intended to be used by IMS programmers, administrators and users who want to create and administer projects while developing, maintaining and testing IMS related applications.
You will need to have the appropriate IBM IMS/ESA manuals available to you. Familiarity with the IMS/ESA environment, and a good understanding of the DL/I language, is assumed. The following IMS/ESA manuals provide the reference material in these areas:
DL/I |
Application Programming: Data Communications |
Application Programming: DL/I Calls | |
Application Programming: Design Guide | |
Application Programming: EXEC DLI Commands | |
Utilities | Utilities Reference - System |
For those users who wish to begin learning about DL/I programming, we recommend the following publication:
IMS Programming Techniques - A Guide to using DL/I
by Dan Kapp and Joseph F. Leben
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
ISBN: 0-442-80505-5.
The following type styles and conventions have been used in this Technical Guide:
cat script_name | more
The italic text denotes a variable that you type as part of the command.
is like the pattern_value
or is not like the pattern_value
, depending on the
absence or presence of the optional word NOT
column_name [NOT] LIKE pattern_value
Windows 95
This paragraph only applies on Windows 95 systems.