Getting Started
Table of Contents
Chapter 31: Using WinRunner 2000 and TouchPoint Together
31.1 Overview
31.2 Define the Code to be Changed as a Fragment
31.3 Generate Initial Values
31.4 Create Fragment Tests
31.4.1 Year_2000 Test
31.4.2 Leap_Years Test
31.5 Run the Fragment Tests
31.6 Create an Application Test
31.6.1 Record the Application Test
31.7 Make your Application Changes
31.8 Run the Fragment Tests
31.9 Analyze the Results
31.10 Fix the Code
31.11 Run the Fragment Tests Again
31.12 Analyze the Test Results
31.13 Run the Application Test
31.14 Fix the Code Again
31.15 Re-run the Application Test
31.16 Before Continuing